Title: Tracking – Another Tool for the Naturalist – Identifying & Interpreting Animal Tracks
Date: November 27, 2010 Time: 10 : 00 AM - 5 : 00 PM
Location: rare Administration Centre, 1679 Blair Road City: Cambridge ...
Contact Info Contact Name: Brenda Pearce Email: blpearce@raresites.org
Phone: 519-650-9336 ext.125
Join Alexis Burnett, a Naturalist, Tracker, Wilderness Skills Practitioner and Canoe Guide and Jason Bracey, a local teacher and rare volunteer for this combination event of a presentation and a hike. Alexis will share his knowledge and passion in teaching you how to identify and track animals as well as interpreting the story that the tracks tell you about the behaviour of the animal. After the talk, Jason will lead the group on a hike and Alexis will help participants put their new skills to use. It is recommended that you dress appropriately for the weather and bring the following items: proper footwear for hiking over uneven terrain, water bottle, lunch, notebook, pen, small measuring tape or ruler and a camera.
NOTE: This event is limited to a maximum of 20 participants.
COST: $25.00 (rare Event Discount Card invalid for this event)